

Family Name Code Local Name Trade Name Botanical Name End Use
  ALMENDRO Dipteryx panamensis Dipteryx panamensis    
Fabaceae BALSAMO Myroxylon peruiferum Myroxylon peruiferum Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harm boards, flooring, steps , colour – wood is dark brown, with a deep red heartwood
Basralocus, Angelique BAS Basralocus, Angelique Basralocus, Angelique Basralocus, Angelique Interior and exterior joinery, naval construction, millwork, flooring, paneling, furniture,crossties.
Vochysiaceae Wood Technical Fact Sheet BGR Qualea spp Qualea spp Mandioqueira & Gronfoeloe Joinery, millwork, furniture, veneer and plywood, general construction, and flooring.
Sapotaceae BOL Bolletrie, Massaranduba Bolletrie, Massaranduba Manilkara bidentata Heavy construction, bridges, flooring, carpentry, stairs, naval construction, violin bows, billiard cue butts, furniture components.
  CUMARU Brazilian Teak Brazilian Teak Dipteryx odorata It is suited to a variety of external and internal applications across residential, commercial and structural/civil construction.
Combretaceae DJI Gindya Udu Gindya Udu Buchenavia tetraphylla Exterior and interior joinery, flooring, furniture, boat decking, planking and framing decorative veneer and turnery.
Fabaceae GKB Gele-Kabbes Gele-Kabbes Vatairea guianensis Interior and exterior joinery, general carpentry, furniture, sleepers.
Lauraceae GREENHEART Chlorocardium rodiei Chlorocardium rodiei Sipiroe, Bibiru, Demerara Greenheart

A very heavy, hard timber, suitable for use under exacting conditions, outstanding in most of its strength properties and of very high durability and having excellent resistance to attack by marine borers.

Available in very large sizes and long lengths, and is therefore suitable for piling, piers, lock gates, docks and harbor works. Useful for pier decking and hand rails, flooring and in the engineering industry as bearers for engines. Gives good services in chemical plants for vats, filter press plates and frames. Suitable for joinery in both exterior and interior situations and useful also for fishing rods and as a center laminar for longbows and general construction.

Bignoniaceae IPE Ipe, Greenheart, Makagrin Ipe, Greenheart, Makagrin Tabebuia serratiforlia & Tabebuia capitata Industrial and parquet flooring, cabinets, sleepers, stairs, furniture, naval construction, hydraulic works, interior and exterior joinery
  JATOBA Brazilian Cherry Brazilian Cherry Hymenaea courbaril  
Fabaceae JOK Yongu Kabbes Yongu Kabbes Vataireopsis speciosa Interior and exterior joinery, general carpentry, furniture, sleepers.
Moraceae KAW Kaw Udu
Kaw Udu
Bagassa guianensis & tiliaefolia Interior and exterior joinery, general carpentry, cabinet work, flooring, stairs, fittings, wainscoting, shipbuilding, moulding.
Sapotaceae KMB Kimboto Kimboto Pradosia ptychandra, P. surinamensis & P.schomburgkii
Heavy construction, posts, spars, house framing
Fabaceae MAKA KABBES Angelim Pedra Angelim Pedra Hymenolobium excelsum
Interior and exterior joinery, flooring, panelling, turney, furniture, general carpentry.
Caesalpiniaoeae MORA Mora excelsa Mora excelsa Nato, Dakama, Pracuuba Best suited for heavy construction work, jetties and foreshore work. Particularly suitable for sleepers, wagon bottoms, and for both traditional and mosaic flooring and shipbuilding.
Clusiaceae PAK Pakuli Pakuli Platonia guianensis & rheedia spp.
Interior and exterior joinery, flooring, stairs, marine construction, mouldiing, veneer.
Caesalpiniaceae PRH Purpleheart Purpleheart Peltogyne venosa Interior and exterior joinery, cabinet work, furniture, stairs, flooring, tool handles, billiard ue butts, carving, turnery, marquetry, laminated beams, sliced veneer.
Caesalpiniaoeae PURPLEHEART Peltogyne pubescens Peltogyne pubescens Amamnth, Nazareno, Pau Roxo, Bois Violet, Barabu Possesses high strength and very good durability and is an excellent structural timber suitable for heavy outdoor construction work such as bridges and park benches. As flooring it has high wearing quantities and is suitable for most conditions of traffic. Has been used successfully in chemical plants as vats, filter press plates and frames. Also used for making billiard cue butt, tool handles, interior and exterior joinery and ship building. A valuable wood for its attractive appearance and its strength.
Caesalpiniaceae RLO Jatoba Jatoba Hymenaea courbaril Exterior and interior joinery, marine constuctions, high grade furniture and cabinet work, flooring, stairs, decorative veneer and fittings, turney, arched articles
Apocynaceae SHIBIDAN Aspidosperma album Aspidosperma album Red Peroba, Peroba Rosa, Kromanti Kipi A good general purpose wood suitable for construction work requiring strength and durability and could also be useful for exterior joinery. Also suitable for panelling, turnery and furniture manufacture.
Papilionacease TATABU Diplotropis purpurea
Diplotropis purpurea
Sucupira, Alcoruoque, Zwarte Kabbes Has a decorative appearance and is of interest for turned work and as a veneer for inlays in high grade furniture. Suitable for exterior and interior joinery, turnery, panelling and tool handles. A very useful timber with many applications.
Caesalpiniaceae TEAK Tectona grandis Tectona grandis Diplotropis purpurea Exterior and interior joinery, flooring, stairs, turnery, tool handles, furniture, heavy contructions
  WAMARA Guyana Rosewood Guyana Rosewood Swartzia spp.  
Lauraceae WAN Wana Wana Ocotea rubra Interior and exterior joinery, cabinetwork, carpentry, moulding, panelling, glued laminated beams, plywood.
Caesalpiniaceae WPL Witte Pinto-Locus
Witte Pinto-Locus
Martiodendron parviflorum Exterior and interior joinery, flooring, stairs, furniture
Caesalpiniaceae ZWK Zwarte Kabbes Zwarte Kabbes Diplotropis purpurea Exterior and interior joinery, flooring, stairs, turnery, tool handles, furniture, heavy contructions